Press release

Redwave Medical is nominated for the XXV. Innovation Award Thuringia

Press release | Weimar 30.11.2022

On November 30, 2022, the Innovation Award Thuringia was awarded for the 25th time in Weimar. The Innovation Award Thuringia is considered nationwide as one of the highest-valued awards in this field. The prize recognizes the innovative strength of companies and is intended to encourage the development of new products. It is awarded in the categories “Tradition & Future”, “Industry & Materials”, “Digital & Media” and “Light & Life”. Redwave Medical made it to the top 20 and competed with 2 other companies in the category “Light & Life”.

About Redwave Medical
Redwave Medical GmbH, based in Jena, Germany, has developed a solution that requires only a small optical sensor, worn as a wristband, for example. Based on a self-developed algorithm, the company uses pulse wave analysis. This makes it possible, for example, to also determine blood pressure in the aorta and gain a much more precise insight into the status of the cardiovascular system. With the Arktur algorithm kit – the device-independent technology is currently being validated – Redwave Medical enables 24-hour measurements without a cuff. Well-known manufacturers are already showing interest in the development. “Patients benefit from the gain in comfort. Pulse wave analysis also adds diagnostic value,” says CEO Verena Dittrich.

The competition received 62 applications, which were reviewed and evaluated by a 19-member jury in a two-stage process. When awarding prizes, the jury decides on criteria such as degree of innovation, entrepreneurial performance, functionality, practical value and commercial success. In addition, the competition entries must already have been launched on the market or be about to be launched. A further requirement is that the innovation presented must have been developed or manufactured predominantly in Thuringia.

Redwave Medical gewinnt den KfW Award Thüringen


In einer feierlichen Prämierungsveranstaltung am gestrigen Abend in Berlin wurden die diesjährigen Awards der KfW an innovative Unternehmen aus ganz Deutschland vergeben. Für jedes Bundesland wurde je ein Unternehmen ausgezeichnet. Redwave Medical aus Jena geht als Landessieger Thüringen aus dem Wettbewerb hervor und erhält 1.000 EUR Preisgeld. Der Vorstandsvorsitzende der KfW, Stefan Wintels: „Für die erfolgreiche nachhaltige Transformation von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft sowie zur Stärkung von Deutschland als Technologiestandort brauchen wir Mut, Kreativität und Unternehmergeist. Ich gratuliere den preisgekrönten Gründerteams herzlich; sie sind mit ihren innovativen Lösungen Vorbilder in diesem #Jahrzehntderentscheidung. Die KfW wird als digitale Transformations- und Förderbank junge Unternehmen auch in Zukunft tatkräftig unterstützen und somit das Ökosystem in unserem Land für junge Unternehmen stärken.“


Über Redwave Medical
Redwave Medical wurde 2017 von Verena Dittrich, Chris Stockmann, Andreas Mainka und Dr. med. Johannes Baulmann gegründet. Das Unternehmen entwickelt und vertreibt klinisch validierte, intelligente Algorithmen im Bereich der Herz-Kreislauf-Diagnostik. Diese Algorithmen sind nötig, um den Blutdruck, die Funktion der Arterien und die Herzleistung zu bestimmen. Das Besondere: Die entwickelten Lösungen von Redwave Medical können mit einer herkömmlichen Manschettenmessung den Blutdruck in der Hauptschlagader bestimmen – dieser gibt sehr viel genauere Aufschlüsse über den tatsächlichen Herz-Kreislauf-Zustand eines Patienten. Bisher wird mit einer Manschette lediglich der Blutdruck der Oberarmarterie gemessen und der zentrale Blutdruck nur invasiv während eines medizinischen Eingriffs beobachtet. Mit dem Produkt von Redwave Medical ist dies nun auch in der täglichen Praxisroutine möglich. So lassen sich präzisere Diagnosen stellen und z. B. die richtige Medikamenteneinstellung schneller finden.

„Unsere Vision ist die Verlängerung der gesunden Lebensspanne eines jeden Menschen durch das Messen der richtigen Gesundheitswerte. Denn allein in Deutschland sterben im Schnitt noch immer 40 Menschen pro Stunde an den Folgen von Bluthochdruck und anderen kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen. Dass die KfW unsere Arbeit mit dem Award auszeichnet, freut uns sehr!“ sagt Verena Dittrich, Co-Gründerin und CEO der Redwave Medical GmbH.

Ausgewählt wurden die Preisträger in einem mehrstufigen Verfahren von einer erfahrenen Jury mit Vertreterinnen und Vertretern aus der KfW, Förderinstituten, Wirtschaft, Politik und Medien. Sie bewertete die Geschäftsideen nach ihrem Innovationsgrad, ihrer Kreativität und der Übernahme gesellschaftlicher bzw. ökologischer Verantwortung. Am Wettbewerb teilnehmen konnten Unternehmen aller Branchen ab Gründungsjahr 2017.

Als Landessieger hat sich Redwave Medical auch für den Preis des Publikumssiegers qualifiziert. Dieser ist mit weiteren 5.000 Euro Preisgeld verbunden. Bis zum 15.11.2022 kann unter für den Publikumssieg abgestimmt werden.


Carmen Vallero, KfW Award Gründen c/o Peperoni Werbe- und PR-Agentur GmbH, Friedrichstraße 23A, 10969 Berlin, Tel. 0179-54 53 972,

Jena-based Redwave Medical GmbH closed financing round of almost 1 million EUR

Redwave Medical GmbH, a specialist in bio-signal analysis, is pleased to announce the closing of its new financing round. Redwave´s excellent progress in the field of central blood pressure measurement and the company´s compelling pipeline convinced existing investors including the lead investor bm-t beteiligungsmanagement thüringen gmbh (bm|t), the experienced business angel Dr. Gerhard Scheuch, the Stiftung für Technologie, Innovation und Forschung (STIFT) and the Sparkasse Jena Saale-Holzland to increase their investment in the company. Additionally, Redwave was able to attract the Mittelständische Beteiligungsgesellschaft Thüringen mbH (MBG) as a new investor. The capital will enable the company to continue its growth, further technical development as well as the marketing and internationalization of the first algorithm “Antares”, which is already available on the market.

“Antares” enables the measurement of central (aortal) blood pressure and the determination of arterial age using a conventional upper arm cuff. The central blood pressure describes the pressure in the aorta, which directly affects the heart and many other vital organs. Thus, central blood pressure is directly responsible for the risk of heart attack or stroke and contributes to the accurate determination of a patient’s blood pressure as well as to optimal therapy. Experts are already recommending that therapy for high blood pressure be based on central blood pressure. With “Antares”, Redwave offers a product that will make this optimal therapy broadly available.


About Redwave Medical GmbH:
Redwave Medical GmbH develops and distributes customizable and intelligent “Medical Grade” algorithms for cardiovascular diagnostics, enabling integrated solutions and comparable results between home care and medical professionals. Redwave is active in the field of cardiovascular diagnostics with a focus on blood pressure measurement and pulse wave analysis.

About Mittelständische Beteiligungsgesellschaft Thüringen mbH (MBG):
Mittelstaendische Beteiligungsgesellschaft Thueringen mbH (MBG) is a strong partner for small and medium-sized enterprises and offers open or silent partnerships as equity capital for business start-ups, growth and succession. The MBG does not favor any specific economic sectors and provides its services for various industries and financing purposes.

About bm-t beteiligungsmanagement Thüringen gmbh (bm|t):
bm|t, based in Erfurt, is a subsidiary of Thüringer Aufbaubank and the leading address for equity investments in Thuringia, Germany. bm|t currently manages nine funds with a total volume of over 420 million euros and invests in innovative companies in nearly all sectors and in all phases of company development — from start-up and growth phases to buyouts and other succession cases.

About Foundation for Technology, Innovation and Research Thuringia (STIFT):
The STIFT supports, promotes and accompanies innovative technology-oriented and innovative business start-ups in Thuringia as part of the ThEx project. In addition, the STIFT supports selected high-tech start-ups in the field of early-stage financing as aninvestor. Here, the degree of innovation of the founding idea and the entrepreneurial potential are in the foreground of investment decisions. The regional focus of investments is in Thuringia, Germany.

About Sparkasse Jena-Saale-Holzland:
The Sparkasse has been rooted in Thuringia since 1828 and knows the wishes and objectives of the people and companies. As the largest regional financial partner, it is also important to the Sparkasse to ensure a better quality of life in the region: through the progressive digitalisation of its services, the expansion of its advisory services, public support programmes and financing. Supporting the economy, education, sport and culture through material and financial contributions is an important part of its role. For this reason, Sparkasse Jena-Saale-Holzland will continue to support business start-ups, thus laying the foundation for the jobs of the future. Recently, the Sparkasse, with the Business Angels Club Jena e.V., has established a platform for start-ups and private investors. The Sparkasse´s strong regional know-how is thus combined with excellent networks and is intended to support the region´s dynamic start-up scene.


STIFT and Sparkasse Jena-Saale-Holzland invest in the blood pressure measurement of the future

Redwave Medical GmbH, a Jena, Germany based medical technology company, raised a round of funding from the Stiftung für Technologie, Innovation und Forschung Thüringen (STIFT) and Sparkasse Jena-Saale-Holzland.

Redwave Medical has developed software that allows for the measurement of aortic blood pressure as well as monitoring of the status of the arteries through standard arm cuff blood measurement devices. Aortic blood pressure is more relevant than peripheral blood pressure in terms of diagnosing and treating high blood pressure because important organs such as the heart, kidneys, and brain are directly impacted by the central blood pressure. Aortic blood pressure is therefore much more important for determining the risk of heart attack and stroke than peripheral blood pressure.

The two new investors join bm‑t, beteiligungsmanagement Thüringen gmbh, and angel investor Dr. Gerhard Scheuch in completing Redwave´s seed financing. Redwave will use the capital to complete its validation study and for its market entry in 2019.

About the Stiftung für Technologie, Innovation und Forschung Thüringen (STIFT):
The STIFT supports innovative technology companies in Thüringen within the framework of the ThEx Innovative project. Additionally, the STIFT invests in selected high-tech start-ups as a co-investor. In this activity, the level of innovation of the founding business plan and the corporate potential are the primary considerations

About Sparkasse Jena-Saale-Holzland:
The Sparkasse Jena-Saale-Holzland has been a strong and reliable partner in the region of Jena-Saale-Holzland for over 185 years. Through its large network of branch offices, customer advisors are closely positioned to the bank´s customers, and the bank is able to make important decisions quickly on location. From retail accounts to real estate brokerage and construction finance to commercial lending and advisory, the Sparkasse offers a complete array of financial services. As a public institute, the bank´s interests are in supporting the local economy and the people living in the region.

About bm|t:
Erfurt-based, beteiligungsmanagement Thüringen (bm|t) – a subsidiary of the Thuringia Development Bank, is the first address for investments in Thuringia, Germany. bm‑t currently manages eight investment funds with a total volume of 320M EUR. bm‑t invests in innovative companies with strong growth potential across all sectors and all phases of the corporate lifecycle.

About Redwave Medical GmbH:
Redwave Medical GmbH was founded in May 2017 and specializes in the fields of bio-signal analysis and medical algorithms. Currently the company is developing the first algorithm for blood pressure arm cuffs in order to noninvasively measure the central blood pressure in the aorta and monitor arterial health.